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Truly A Gifted Medium

OMG Margo!
I met Margo at a Holistic Fair in San Diego. From the moment we connected, her energy was pure love and authenticity. I was looking for the next steps in my career/life and boy did I get a surprise! We had so much fun exchanging energy and she is truly a gifted medium. As a result, I plan to move forward relocating across the country and starting an entirely new career that completely resonates with me! The sky is the limit and Margo confirms just that!
Thank you Margo and I’m sure this was the first of several meetings in our future!

Blessings and BIG Love,

San Diego, CA
September 16, 2014

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What An Incredible Experience

I met Margo today Sept. 14th 2014 at the San Diego Holistic Living Expo. I really loved her energy. She is a very engaging speaker. When she led us in a technique to connect our chakras and clear them out I had a really incredible experience. I was focusing on my crown chakra and connected it to my third eye with a slide. As I was focusing on the slide and seeing the energy coming down into my third eye, suddenly I saw a small flow of water which started expanding and suddenly became like a waterfall flowing down. It was incredible. What a great experience. Thank you Margo for sharing your wonderful energy and work with us.

Love & Light

Dhyana M.
San Diego, CA
September 15, 2014

Haven’t Felt This Clear & Energetic In Years

“I met Margo at a Holistic Fair in September, 2014. I was impressed with her honesty and integrity, and scheduled an Angelic Soul Clearing with her the very next day. Wow — the results are amazing! I feel so light and free now. My mind is crystal clear, and I am so excited to do the editing on my book.  I am very excited to have this new, light feeling inside of me. I can feel my new light body and it feels delightful and wonderful!

I haven’t felt this clear and energetic for years! With this new energy, I can accomplish anything!
Margo. thank you so much for all the help and advice you have given me. Already, you have proven to be instrumental in my success with my book and my new media company.
Much love and gratitude to you!”



CeCe Ferrari
Author, "Buy Your Own Damn Cocktail!"
September 10, 2014

They WOW Me Every Time!

“The Career Cards are an amazing oracle deck! Don’t let the name fool you. I have found that these cards can be used for a host of situations and questions, not just career paths. I hear the same phrases from the people I read for, such as: spot on, amazing, and eerily accurate. They WOW me every time.

Can’t say enough good things about the Career Cards! Love them!”

Mambo Julie V.
Owner, KC Conjure Shop, & Certified Career Card Reader
September 3, 2014

I’m Astonished At The Divine Power Of This Work

“I know it’s hard to believe that you will experience profound healing and transformation through this process, especially if you’ve already done lots of other things. One thing to remember is that you are always growing and evolving, and so new layers come up to be released all the time. Plus, the Earth itself is asking all of us to lighten our vibration for the collective healing. All I can tell you is that I am truly astonished at the Divine power of this work, and that my clients are TRULY experiencing miracles in their lives. One client is literally living all the things she set out to do, in just a few sessions of working together. There are plenty of testimonials, so check them out, but the best way to find out the power of this experience is to try it for yourself. It’s always amazing what the Angels do and how Divinely perfect each session is. I look forward to taking this sacred and magical journey with you.”

September 2, 2014

I Welcome These To My Tarot Table

“I’ve read the tarot for 25 years and welcome these cards to my tarot table! When my clients need expert advice regarding their current career or their life purpose, The Career Cards always come to the rescue with wisdom and insight.
I recommend this deck for personal use as well. You don’t have to know a thing about cards or readings to benefit from this spiritual tool.”

Julie Bowen
Professional Tarot Reader with 25 years experience
September 2, 2014

Highly Recommended For Direction

“Wow! Accurate! Margo’s reading was on-point with what I was going through and gave me comfort to know there are angels guiding us. Margo was extremely present, caring & loving while she shared the reading. Highly recommended if you are looking for direction.”

Nikki Jade
La Jolla, CA
September 2, 2014

Career Cards WILL Give You Answers

“The Career Cards flowed into my life right before my trip to Nicaragua. After opening the box, several cards spit out of the deck at me. Two landed on the table, and the other two landed sideways against my leg. The rest of the pile was untouched. Needless to say, the four cards looking up at me held all the answers to what I needed at that moment. The book provides a hefty description for each card, and the best-kept insights lie in the text. And those insights WILL pop out at you. I was so scared they wouldn’t. But after reading the descriptions of each card, a specific motif (just for me) started to show itself.

They have a marvelous and magical appeal to them and are (and can be used) for anyone from the heavy tarot card educator to the ‘new’ beginner who is just feeling stuck and looking for a place to turn.
They WILL provide an answer for you. In your life and in your biz/career or whatever work/impact you are making, and offer you that direction that is needed at that exact time.

I will forever be grateful as to how these flowed into my life. And forever in gratitude (and confidence) that I am now on the right track to make the impact I am ‘supposed’ to make.”

Kevin Diamond
September 2, 2014

Margo Has The Gift of “Seeing” And Helping Others

“Margo has many special gifts. Margo’s include the gift of “seeing” and helping others to get answers, direction, and guidance.”

Diane H.
Smokey Mountains
September 2, 2014

Strength, Guidance, and Genuine Caring For All!

“This workshop was truly transformative. Seeing myself from different perspectives and points in time gave me much insight to where I want to be & how to set course in that direction!. Margo stands out from other facilitators in her strength, guidance, and genuine caring for all! She is very correct in her knowing and provides a safe and supportive environment around anything she opens you up to.”

Nicole Picarda
Workshop Participant
September 2, 2014

Incredibly Inspiring and Transformative

“She is an extremely engaging speaker, and her love, wisdom, leadership, and compassion come through in spades. There wasn’t a moment that wasn’t incredibly inspiring and transformative. She is incredibly approachable, and engaging, and her leadership abilities and ability to facilitate are top-notch.”

Heidi Whitman
Workshop Participant
September 2, 2014

Healed My Deepest Embarassment

“Margo helped me heal my deepest embarrassment with a exercise I am now going to practice in my life.“

Vanessa H.
Workshop Participant
September 2, 2014

Created Safe, Loving Space

“Margo is one of the most deeply caring people I have ever worked with. She allowed many of us to open up to our deepest burdens and created a safe, loving space for raw emotion to come up and be released.”

Ann Marie Fleet
Workshop Participant, Certified Career Card Reader
September 2, 2014

Amazing Progress

“Amazing. I moved through a %^#&*(# load of stuff faster than I ever have in all my years of personal work.”

Jocelyn N.
Body/Brain Balance Session
September 2, 2014

Gifted Intuitive, Transformational

“It is absolutely transformational to work with Margo. She is a gifted intuitive and very skilled at working with peoples’ process. The 1:1 was extremely valuable – I was able to go deeply into and release fear I didn’t know I had, which in hindsight was probably the biggest reason I was staying stuck.”

Jordan St. John
LPAC Participant, Certified Career Card Reader
September 2, 2014

Personal Attention To Everyone

“She is unique in the way she works with a group, giving personal attention to everyone’s needs, not to mention her precious intuitive gifts.”

LPAC Participant
September 2, 2014

Honesty, Integrity and Intelligence

“Margo’s complete openness, honesty, integrity and intelligence, depth of experience and sense of humor set her apart from other facilitators and mentors. She is caring, thorough, focused, inspired, supportive, fun (and funny) – and full of loving energy to propel all of us forward!”

Nina Lockwood
LPAC Participant, Certified Career Card Reader
September 2, 2014

Fantastic Facilitator

“Margo is a fantastic facilitator! She makes the course fun. I looked forward to working with the cards on a daily basis. Rather than having a rigid program, Margo has developed, with her Higher guidance, a flowing alive one that meets her students needs.”

Muffy Williams
Registered Nurse, CAC
September 2, 2014

Gained Confidence And Trust

“I gained more confidence and trust in the Universe to provide me with all I need to fulfill my purpose. This course is different and unique: Margo’s deep commitment to make sure everyone gets the most out of this experience and even more… as well as her sense of integrity, she over-delivers with contagious enthusiasm!”

Muffy Williams
Registered Nurse, Life Plan Action Course Participant
September 2, 2014

Margo Has The Inside Scoop From The Angels Themselves

“These cards are amazing and one of a kind. Margo has the inside scoop straight from the angels themselves. I have never used anything so accurate and so user-friendly. I briefly saw them on Facebook one day, and the next I was hunting them down at the Aquarius Bookstore in Kansas City, MO. Once I found them, I have been doing readings not only for myself but for family and friends. Accurate and spot-on tells it all.”

Linda Laskowski
Certified Career Card Reader, Kansas City
September 2, 2014

Powerful Tool For Moving Ahead

“The Career Cards are a powerful and unique tool for making decisions and moving ahead in your life.”

Barbara Criswell
Owner, Aquarius Books, KCMO
September 2, 2014

Career Cards Help You Discover Your True Purpose

“The Career Cards will inspire you to discover your true purpose and to live the life you were always meant to live.”

Joseph Ernest Martin
Best-Selling Author of the Quest Tarot
September 2, 2014

LPAC Course Is Spirit-Led

“The Life Plan Action Course differs from other programs because it is spirit-led, rather than head-led. Margo was more an adept facilitator of the way spirit and our processes wanted to unfold, rather than coming with a set of ideas to pour into us. That freedom allowed for some amazing transformations to occur.”

Jordan Saint John
Attorney, Certified Career Card Reader
September 2, 2014

This Course Is Unique!

“This course is unique! I don’t know of any other course that includes intuitive guidance, meditations, visualizations and an oracle to gain insights, validation and support. This is a great opportunity to bypass the rational mind and hear what your soul – and the Universe – is saying to you. I whole-heartedly recommend it.”

Nina Lockwood
Licensed Therapist and Certified Career Card Reader
September 2, 2014

Life-Changing Course

“The Life Plan Action Course is unlike any other course I’ve taken. This course has literally turned me around in my thinking and, more importantly, in my feeling(s) about everything. Margo’s availability and insights are unmatched and she allows the process to unfold individually for each student. She states what she “sees” but allows the student to feel/express what is currently going on for her. It’s life changing for you begin to view both yourself and Life from a different and more supportive perspective.”

Jocelyn Nickerson
Nova Scotia
September 2, 2014

One Of Our Best Book Signings Ever

“We hosted a Career Card book signing event here at Barnes and Noble, and it was one of our most successful book signings ever. We welcome Margo back any time, and look forward to another event!”

Barnes & Noble
Norman, OK
September 2, 2014

Uncovered Past Life In Ireland

“I experienced a past life regression with Margo Mateas more than 15 years ago that permanently changed the way I view myself and my life. The details of the past life regression are clearer, more lasting, and more vivid, than any other memory I can recall. It is as though the experience were tattooed in my memory.

I had a deep attraction to and connection with all things Irish, including: traditional Irish music and culture, Celtic symbols, Irish history and Irish people. Since my family was not really Irish, I didn’t understand this. I was also drawn to the medical field, and to healing. I had many questions!
In the regression, I learned about a past life in which I had lived in Ireland, and was a physician or healer. I experienced sights and smells that I didn’t understand, with people dying in droves, from an unknown cause. It seemed to be medieval times. A few years later, while visiting Dublin, Ireland, I took a self-guided historical tour, set up much like a museum. I saw there an exhibit with a scene that was virtually identical to one which I had seen in my past life regression. The exhibit stated that it was depicting the Black Plague, which had devastated Europe and occurred in the early 1300’s in Ireland. It made me stop short, as the understanding flooded me. I never studied European history, so for me, this affirmation and explanation of what I had experienced, gave me so many answers and confirmed the reality of the past life memory.

Margo has many special gifts. Margo’s include the gift of “seeing” and helping others to get answers, direction, and guidance. Thanks for reading about my experience, and for letting me share it with you.”

D. M. Hicks
September 2, 2014

The Career Cards Helped When I Lost My Job

“The Career Cards helped me when I lost my job suddenly. I was afraid I wouldn’t get any job offers, but Margo and the Cards assured me that I was worthwhile, and that I would have several opportunities coming soon. To reassure myself, I posted the entire text of two of the cards around my house to remind me that good things were coming my way. Just as the cards predicted, I had a number of job offers within a few weeks, and ended up taking a job that paid more money than I was making before. The Career Cards really helped take me and my career to a whole new level of confidence.”

Cristin Colling
Marketing Manager
September 2, 2014

Margo Is The Real Deal

“I have asked Margo for advice about my life many times and she is right on the mark every time. She has exceptional talent as a psychic and knows the perfect thing to tell you at the right time. She is the real deal — and anyone who is lucky enough to get a reading from Margo is truly blessed!”

Tricia Zyskowski
Las Vegas
September 2, 2014

The Fear Is Completely Gone!

“When Margo asked me if I wanted to try a Soul Clearing on me, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I had been gripped by a paralyzing fear all my life. It consumed me. During the clearing, Margo said the fear was so large it filled up both my solar plexis and root chakras. No wonder I couldn’t shake it! After the Angels removed the fear and filled those spaces with love and strength, I felt calm and peaceful for the first time in a long time. I cannot describe the difference in how I approach life now. The fear is completely gone! It’s replaced with a steady faith and a new understanding of my purpose. Thank you!”

Kara U.
Mission Viejo, CA
September 2, 2014

Margo Does Deep Work With Humor And Integrity

“Margo does serious, deep work with her special touch and tons of humor and generosity, with a great sense of integrity. The 1:1 session was a pivotal moment that helped me see more clearly where I am going, with unexpected support (and foot thumping) from Ganesha! There is no going back to hiding and wondering if I am ready to put on my wings. I am ready to soar!”

September 2, 2014

Instrumental in My Healing

“Working with Margo and the Angels has considerably improved my health and clarity of mind. I’ve have been dealing with overall health issues from too much stress these last five years, and last year my body came to its breaking point.  Doctors didn’t know how to reduce my overall fatigue, limitations, and frustrations. Margo and the Angels quickly cleared many of the cobwebs within me. I am lighter, clearer and functioning more with ease. They have been instrumental in my healing process and have taught me so much about myself and how to better deal with stressful situations, which has really been a Miracle to me. Thank you, Margo and the Angels, for everything you have done to help me. I am so grateful that you came into my life.”

Monique J.
Director of Development, CA
August 26, 2014

I Won’t Ever Forget Our Conversation

“Hi Margo, I just want to say thank you for coming to my house this week while you were in Chicago. As you know, there was a wide diversity of women here to meet you and talk to you….talk we did!!!! You enlightened each and every one of us. You helped me to learn how to get through my grieving process with my son Jimmy. A process it is, and each step is a baby step, and you have helped me to take another step. I thank you for that, and I am sure that Jimmy thanks you too. I won’t ever forget our conversation. It meant so much to me. You touched the hearts of many of us. You have a gift and I feel blessed to have met you. Thank you again. Next time you come to Chicago, we are going to have another party — so I get first dibs on your calender! xx ♥ xx”

Tami K
Chicago, IL
August 24, 2014

You Will Be Amazed

“When I asked Margo to do an Angelic Soul Clearing session with me, I was having trouble letting go of an ex. I had this super powerful fantasy about how he was the one, even though we had been broken up for three years. No matter how many energetic cords I cut, I still had this fantasy and didn’t date anyone else.

Well, Margo got into my Crown chakra and discovered this massive projector in my brain! This projector kept showing me everything I wanted, even though it wasn’t real. We realized that it had been there since childhood, because I used fantasy as a way to escape my life. Margo and the Angels lovingly took away that big projector and replaced it with an enormous window so I could see the beauty of my life and what was really out there for me.

Very soon after that, I started dating a wonderful man, and we have been together ever since. My need to project fantasy over reality is gone, too. Now I am able to see and accept life just the way it is. I would never have guessed that there was a projector stuck in my subconscious, making it impossible for me to move on! Give Margo’s mind-boggling work a try — you will be amazed at what happens for you, too.”

Camille Macres
Author, Paleogasm – Founder, The School of Inner Beauty
August 24, 2014

Eye-Witness To Astounding Readings

“We had the privilege of hosting Margo and her Career Cards in November of 2012.  Over and over, I heard people exclaim, “Amazing!” “Wow!” and “Hmmm…I need to rethink my options” during their readings.

As the day came to a close, I decided I would see for myself. Our business is going through a transitional period, and Margo did not know any details before she began my reading. But as the cards played out, the answers I received were all pointing to this period of change and guiding me forward with my plans. I was astounded. The cards were able to pick up on what was going on and confirmed what I knew I needed to do.

I bought the deck then and there, and have used it since to help guide me with business decisions. It really is a special deck.”

Michelle McClain Johnson
Peace of Mind Books in Tulsa, OK
August 23, 2014

A Perfect Blend

“I had the privilege of working with Margo when she presented a workshop at our center. I found her to be a perfect blend of right brain and left — capable of handling the business needs of booking an event as well as dealing with those aspects of being the Presenter. She was well prepared and her enthusiasm was contagious. The class was hungry for the subject matter and Margo’s expertise was evident when the attendees were reluctant to let her go at the end of the session. Margo was very professional, presenting her work with detail, creativity and humor, which is a great combination.”

Nancy Spheeris
Director, Sedona Creative Life Center
August 23, 2014

LPAC Course Is Life-Changing

“I have taken Margo’s life-changing class. She cleared my chakras and told me things about the past that in no way could she have known. She has also been a very supportive friend and inspiration.”

Tricia Z
Life Plan Action Course Participant
August 10, 2014

A Thousand Thanks!

“Thank you so much for the set of Career Cards. When I opened them, I felt such a pure, crystal, loving energy. These Cards are really a gift to humanity. I got the cards the same day as my first painting lesson. I am sending you my first picture, painted with the help of my teacher. I will continue to take some more finger painting classes and we shall see.

I am painting almost every day and this is such a great pleasure for me. I feel so joyous doing this. So thank you, thousands times!”

Sofia, Bulgaria
August 3, 2014

Career Cards are Changing Lives

“In countries all over the world, to British TV, the Career Cards are changing lives and aligning people with their true life purposes. I count on the Career Cards to make decisions in my own life, and my radio show listeners are consistently blown away by how amazingly right-on the Career Cards are, every time.”

Debbie Fumanti
Love Your Life Experience
August 2, 2014

Like An Angel

“Connecting with Margo in my thoughts is just like plugging into the unlimited energy field. This happened just now, when I started to write this testimonial. While remembering Margo, my whole body simultaneously started “bathing” in high frequency energy, flowing from feet up and from head down. I said to myself : “My gosh, what is going on?” This has not happened to me with anybody else.

I met Margo on one of the popular spiritual webinars. Her reading was so accurate that it was like seeing myself in the mirror. I immediately bought two sets of her cards, for me and for my children.

But Margo continued to stay connected with me, even later:  In the last two years, out of the blue she would Skype message me: “Vjeko, what is going on with you? Today you came in my mind…” and that was always in important moments, when I needed some help or advice. It is like she is my angel. This is really unique. I don’t know if it happens with her other clients as well, but I am always amazed when this happens.

I am so thankful for meeting Margo and for her continued presence in my life.”

Vjeko Martinko
Lovran, Croatia
August 2, 2014

Divinely Inspired Guidance

“Margo is an engaging speaker who injects heartfelt humor and moving, impactful success stories into her talks.  I interviewed Margo as part of my recent telesummit, the Soul Shine Series.   Within hours of her interview airing, throngs of listeners signed up to take advantage of a personal Career Cards reading with Margo.  It is obvious that she resonates deeply with those who are looking for divinely inspired guidance on their career path and their great life’s work!”

Lori Noonan
The Soul Shine Summit
August 1, 2014


  1. Dhyana McCraig  September 15, 2014

    I met Margo today Sept. 14th 2014 at the San Diego Holistic Living Expo. I really loved her energy. She is a very engaging speaker. When she led us in a technique to connect our chakra’s and clear them out I had a really incredible experience. I was focusing on my crown chakra and connected it to my third eye with a slide. As I was focusing on the slide and seeing the energy coming down into my third eye, suddenly I saw a small flow of water which started expanding and suddenly became like a waterfall flowing down. It was incredible. What a great experience. Thank you Margo for sharing your wonderful energy and work with us.

    Love & Light

  2. Alison Price  September 16, 2014

    OMG Margo!
    I met Margo at a Holistic Fair in San Diego. From the moment we connected, her energy was pure love and authenticity. I was looking for the next steps in my career/life and boy did I get a surprise! We had so much fun exchanging energy and she is truly a gifted medium. As a result, I plan to move forward relocating across the country and starting an entirely new career that completely resonates with me! The sky is the limit and Margo confirms just that!
    Thank you Margo and I’m sure this was the first of several meetings in our future!

    Blessings and BIG Love,
    San Diego, CA

  3. Jackie  December 24, 2015

    This woman is phenomenal!

    Margo is very down to earth and mirthful, I was in tune with everything she was saying. It felt like I was talking to a friend the whole time, it was very fun and exhilarating. She gave me complete clarity on two people I wasn’t sure about. This was the second time we have talked and I plan on having several more. It has changed my life tremendously!

    Much Love & Many Blessing to you!

  4. Luis Aleman  April 4, 2020

    I first heard margo on a radio show on serius XM.
    Begun reading her book and watching videos on talk with the angels. Just cuz I was very impressed with the book and am familiar with spiritual cleansing. My reality changed after my soul clearing session her.
    Margo is very, very special cause i am moving i’m going fast i can feel spiritual growth.


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