Services and Classes


Schedule A Career Card Reading If You:

  • Need direction in your career or home life
  • Are struggling to find or fulfill your life purpose
  • Want to know what’s coming up next

A Career Cards reading gives you practical guidance on all aspects of your life, including relationships, home, work and career. It can help you break through obstacles and tell you exactly what to do next. Readings are available for 60 minutes, 30 minutes or 15 minutes and start at just $20 for 15 minutes and $125 for a full hour.
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Get A Reading from Margo


Schedule An Angelic Soul Clearing If You:

  • Feel stuck or frustrated
  • Have tried other things, but STILL aren’t where you want to be
  • Are having trouble manifesting

Angelic Soul Clearings clear blocks and dissolve trauma like nothing else, because the Angels and Guides do the work for you. This is a truly Divine process unlike anything you’ve ever experienced — even if you’ve had chakra clearings or soul retrievals previously. The sessions are incredibly transformative and the effects are immediate. Angelic Soul Clearings are $125 an hour. read more

Get A Soul Clearing


Get A Brain/Body Balance If You:

  • Want to open yourself to more Guidance
  • Heal your heart and emotions
  • Start manifesting easily

This powerful and enlightening session is designed to clear and align your mind, heart and intuition, the three parts of you that are now required for manifesting success and happiness. The Body/Brain Balance is a must for anyone who wants balance, clarity and to BE more connected to Source and to your Self. Body/Brain Balance sessions run between 60 and 90 minutes and are $125 an hour. read more

Get a Body/Brain Balance


If you’re not sure what you need, schedule a 15-minute Career Card Reading and go from there. Margo will help you figure it out.



Get A Past Life Regression If You:

  • Want to know who you were in a past life
  • Have fears, phobias, dreams, memories or experiences you can’t quite explain
  • Want to understand why certain places or people affect you the way they do

Going back to your past lives can explain why you feel drawn to certain people and places, why you love (or hate) someone the first time you meet them, and release phobias such as the fear of drowning. If you identify strongly with certain time periods such as the Civil War or the Renaissance or or places like Egypt or Atlantis, a past life regression can reveal the truth about you. Sessions are $125 an hour. read more

Get A Past Life Regression


Take The Life Plan Action Course if You:

  • Feel lost and need direction
  • Need help uncovering and understanding your life purpose
  • Want to take an online course with guided meditations, Career Card readings and 1:1 time with Margo

The Life Plan Action Course shows up in your life when you need to receive specific direction or to undergo an inner journey to uncover new aspects of yourself. Course content is directed by the Angels and includes guided meditations, Career Card readings, 1:1 sessions with Margo and a free Brain/Body Balancing Session. LPAC runs for 4-6 weeks and meets 1x a week online. Cost is $399 and can be paid in monthly installments. read more

Sign Up for the LPAC


Become a Certified Career Card Reader if You:

  • Want an amazingly accurate tool for career and life purpose issues
  • Want a way to make money and launch your own Career Cards reading business
  • Want to add a new aspect to your tarot or oracle readings

The Career Cards are a friendly, intuitive and transparent spiritual tool that you can use to help yourself and others. Whether you’re an experienced Reader or have never picked up a deck of cards, the Career Cards Certification Course provides you with in-depth training and insight into each of the 88 cards and their various meanings. Cost is $127 and includes a set of the Career Cards.
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Become a Certified Reader


If you’re not sure what you need, schedule a 15-minute Career Card Reading and go from there. Margo will help you figure it out.